New York State Unified Court System

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  1. Electronic Filing Rules of the Appellate Division
  2. Uniform Rules for the Trial Courts
  3. Legislation
  4. Amendments
  5. Administrative Orders
  6. Terms of Use

  1. 22 NYCRR Part 1245
    Appellate Division Efiling Rules - effective December 12, 2017

  1. Uniform Rule 208.4-a – July 10, 2020
    New York City Civil Court Rules - effective July 13, 2020
  2. Uniform Rule 202.5-b
    General / Consensual Efiling Rules - effective December 15, 2017
  3. Uniform Rule 202.5-b
    General / Consensual Efiling Rules - effective December 15, 2017 amendments
  4. Uniform Rule 202.5-bb
    Mandatory Efiling Rules - effective August 31, 2015
  5. Uniform Rule 202.5-bb
    Mandatory Efiling Rules - effective August 31, 2015 amendments
  6. Prior Uniform Rule 202.5-b
    Prior Consensual Program Rules
  7. Prior Uniform Rule 202.5-bb
    Prior Mandatory Program Rules
  8. Uniform Rule 202.5-d
    Rejection of Papers effective August 31, 2015
  9. Uniform Rules 206.5 and 206.5-aa
    Court of Claims Consensual Program
  10. Uniform Rule 207.4-a
    Surrogate's Court Consensual Program – Rules effective August 31, 2015
  11. Uniform Rule 207.4-aa
    Surrogate's Court Mandatory Program – Rules effective August 31, 2015
  12. Uniform Rule 202.16-c
    Rules Governing the Electronic Filing of Matrimonial Actions in Supreme Court
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  1. Chapter 237 of the Laws of 2015
    E-Filing legislation revised and consolidated within the CPLR, SCPA, CPL, CCA, FCA, and NYCCCA
  2. Chapter 416 of the Laws of 2009
    Mandatory enabling legislation
  3. Chapter 367 of the Laws of 1999
    Original enabling legislation
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  1. AO/152/24 – April 23, 2024
    Rules Governing the Electronic Filing of Matrimonial Actions in Supreme Court
  2. AO/253/22 – November 18, 2022
    Electronic Document Delivery System (EDDS) - Effective November 18, 2022
  3. AO/254/22 – November 18, 2022
    Pilot Program - Family Court - Effective November 18, 2022
  4. AO/188/22 – August 10, 2022
    Pilot Program - Family Court - Effective August 10, 2022
  5. AO/372/21 – December 22, 2021
    General Authorization (Consensual & Mandatory) - Effective December 22, 2021
  6. AO/282/21 – Sept 28, 2021
    General Authorization (Consensual & Mandatory) - Effective September 29, 2021
  7. AO/162/21 – May 25, 2021
    General Authorization (Consensual & Mandatory) - Effective May 26, 2021
  8. Administrative Order - Court of Claims – February 16, 2021
    Consensual Authorization (All Claims) - Effective February 23, 2021
  9. AO/49/21 – February 16, 2021
    General Authorization (Consensual & Mandatory) - Effective February 16, 2021
  10. AO/254/20 – October 28, 2020
    Promulgation/Reissuance of Supreme Civil E-Filing Forms
  11. AO/247/20 – October 20, 2020
    General Authorization (Consensual & Mandatory) - Effective October 21, 2020
  12. AO/133/20 – September 29, 2020
    Hyperlinking Rule – Commercial Division Rule 6
  13. AO/209A/20 – September 8, 2020
    General Authorization (Consensual & Mandatory) – effective September 8, 2020
  14. AO/209/20 – September 3, 2020
    General Authorization (Consensual & Mandatory) – effective September 8, 2020
  15. AO/149/20 – July 10, 2020
    General Authorization (Consensual & Mandatory) – effective July 13, 2020
  16. AO/121/20 – June 9, 2020
    COVID-19 Filing of Documents in new and existing matters
  17. AO/116/20 – May 29, 2020
    General Authorization (Consensual & Mandatory)
  18. AO/115/20 - May 28, 2020
    COVID-19 Filing of Documents in new and existing matters
  19. AO/114/20 – May 20, 2020
    COVID-19 Resumed Commencements 5/18 - 5/26
  20. AO/111/20 – May 15, 2020
    COVID-19 Resumed Commencements 5-18 / 5-20
  21. AO/98/20 – May 8, 2020
    Consensual Expansion - Supreme Civil Court
  22. AO/81A/20 – March 26, 2020
    E-filing of Essential Matters Authorization (Consensual)
  23. AO/245/19 – November 7, 2019
    General Authorization (Consensual & Mandatory)
  24. AO/137/19 – May 31, 2019
    General Authorization (Consensual & Mandatory)
  25. AO/040/19 – January 23, 2019
    General Authorization (Consensual & Mandatory)
  26. AO/408/18 – December 5, 2018
    Pilot Consensual Program - Cases removed from Queens County Supreme Court to NYCCC per CPLR 325(d) (Queens County)
  27. AO/321/18 – December 5, 2018
    Promulgation/Reissuance of E-Filing Forms
  28. AO/343/18 – November 21, 2018
    Authorization for Electronic Signatures
  29. AO/294/18 – October 12, 2018
    General Authorization (Consensual & Mandatory)
  30. AO/192/18 – May 22, 2018
    General Authorization (Consensual & Mandatory)
  31. AO/116/18 – January 22, 2018
    General Authorization (Consensual & Mandatory)
  32. AO/292/17 – November 8, 2017
    Pilot Consensual Program – Cases removed from NY County Supreme Court to NYCCC per CPLR 325(d) (NY County)
  33. AO/170A/17– August 16, 2017
    General Authorization (Consensual & Mandatory)
  34. AO/84/17– April 27, 2017
    General Authorization (Consensual & Mandatory)
  35. AO/24/17– January 10, 2017
    General Authorization (Consensual & Mandatory)
  36. AO/224/16 – October 12, 2016
    General Authorization (Consensual & Mandatory)
  37. AO/151/16 - July 1, 2016
    General Authorization (Consensual & Mandatory)
  38. AO/79/16 - March 21, 2016
    General Authorization (Consensual & Mandatory)
  39. AO/10/16 - February 1, 2016
    General Authorization (Consensual & Mandatory)
  40. AO/194/15 - December 15, 2015
    General Authorization (Consensual & Mandatory)
  41. AO/145/15 - August 31, 2015
    Supreme Court E-Filing Rules (Consensual-Amended)
    Supreme Court E-Filing Rules (Mandatory-Amended)
    Surrogate's Court E-Filing Rules (Consensual-Amended)
    Surrogate's Court E-Filing Rules (Mandatory-Amended)
  42. AO/059/15 - March 18, 2015
    Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Forms (Queens County)
  43. AO/058/15 - March 18, 2015
    General Authorization (Consensual & Mandatory)
  44. AO/049/15 - February 12, 2015
    General Authorization (Consensual & Mandatory)
  45. AO/210/14 - November 7, 2014
    General Authorization (Consensual & Mandatory)
  46. AO/64/14 - March 25, 2014
    General Authorization (Consensual & Mandatory)
  47. AO/029/14 - January 17, 2014
    General Authorization (Consensual & Mandatory)
  48. AO/366/13 - December 26, 2013
    Pilot Matrimonial Consensual Program (Rockland County)
  49. AO/222/13 - September 16, 2013
    General Authorization (Consensual & Mandatory)
  50. AO/173/13 - June 11, 2013
    General Authorization (Consensual & Mandatory)
  51. Court of Claims - June 3, 2013
    Consensual Authorization (New York District)
  52. AO/170/13 - May 24, 2013
    SCAR Amendments
  53. AO/139/13 - April 1, 2013
    Pilot Matrimonial Consensual Program (Westchester County)
  54. AO/134/13 - March 22, 2013
    Repeal of Secure Marking
  55. AO/112/13 - February 19, 2013
    General Authorization (Consensual & Mandatory)
  56. AO/417/12 - June 18, 2012
    Secure marking not permitted for certain documents
  57. AO/245/12 - January 12, 2012
    General Authorization (Consensual & Mandatory)
  58. AO/238/12 - January 9, 2012
    Supreme Court E-Filing Rules (Mandatory - Amended)
  59. AO/237/12 - January 9, 2012
    Surrogate's Court Consensual Authorization (Cayuga, Seneca, Steuben, and Yates Counties)
  60. AO/236/12 - January 9, 2012
    Surrogate's Court E-Filing Rules (Mandatory)
  61. AO/235/12 - January 9, 2012
    Surrogate's Court E-Filing Rules (Consensual - Amended)
  62. AO/531/11 - May 24, 2011
    Surrogate's Court E-Filing Rules (Amended)
  63. AO/530/11 - May 18, 2011
    Supreme Court E-Filing Rules (Mandatory - Revised)
  64. AO/529/11 - May 18, 2011
    Supreme Court E-Filing Rules (Consensual - Revised)
  65. AO/527/11 - May 18, 2011
    Supreme Court Mandatory Authorization (New York, Westchester, and Rockland Counties)
  66. AO/468/11 - April 1, 2011
    Supreme Court Consensual Authorization (Rockland County)
  67. AO/376/11 - February 1, 2011
    Supreme Court Mandatory Authorization (Westchester County)
  68. AO/507/10 - October 5, 2010
    Supreme Court Mandatory Authorization (New York and Westchester Counties)
  69. AO/398/10 - April 26, 2010
    General Consensual Authorization
  70. AO/396/10 - April 26, 2010
    Supreme Court E-Filing Rules (Mandatory)
  71. AO/395/10 - April 26, 2010
    Supreme Court E-Filing Rules (Consensual - Revised)
  72. AO/371/09 - May 14, 2009
    Surrogate's Court E-Filing Rules (Amended)
  73. AO/244/08 - May 16, 2008
    Supreme Court E-Filing Rules (Amended)
  74. AO/243/08 - May 16, 2008
    New York City Civil Court E-Filing Rules
  75. Court of Claims - December 31, 2002
    Consensual Authorization (Albany District)
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  1. I will adhere to the rules governing Electronic Filing in the Uniform Rules for New York State Trial Courts and any protocols promulgated by participating courts.
  2. I am registering so as to be able to employ the NYSCEF live system in cases filed in the courts participating in the NYSCEF program.
  3. I understand that each use of my password for filing documents with NYSCEF constitutes my signature on the document being submitted for the purpose of meeting the requirements of Part 130 of the Rules of the Chief Administrator and all rules governing NYSCEF.
  4. I understand that every filing user must list an e-mail service address. Therefore, as a condition of registering as a filing user of NYSCEF and of receiving my user ID and password, I will provide an e-mail service address. This e-mail service address is the address at which service of interlocutory documents may be made through NYSCEF upon me or upon the parties I represent. If I need to modify my e-mail service address, I shall notify the Resource Center immediately.
  5. I understand that providing any false information in this application may result in a revocation of my authorized user status.
  6. I will protect and secure the confidentiality of my password. If I have reason to believe that my password has been compromised, I will notify the NYSCEF Resource Center immediately by e-mail. I also will inform the court and the Resource Center immediately of any change in my employment affiliation.
  7. This system and all data are the property of the New York State Unified Court System (UCS).
  8. Data may not be mined or sold, or used in any pay-for-use application.
  9. This site may not be accessed by any automated program ("bot") for the purpose of extracting data for any use.
  10. This site may not be directly linked to by any website.
  11. Unauthorized use or attempted unauthorized use of this system may subject you to appropriate disciplinary action and criminal or civil penalties.
  12. Because transcription or other errors may arise when compiling the information provided on this website, users should verify the accuracy of information by consulting original court records or sources. The Unified Court System is not responsible for consequential use of website errors.
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