New York State Unified Court System

NYSCEF Filing Advisory - Redaction Compliance with Uniform Rule §202.5(e) or 22 NYCRR §206.5(e) - Omission or Redaction of Confidential Personal Information. The NYSCEF screens have been modified to require an indication of redaction whenever you file a document and/or an indication for the filing of an un-redacted document pursuant to a court order.

Please note the following:

Redacted: This is a document that contains confidential personal information ("CPI"), as defined in NYCRR §202.5(e)(1) or NYCRR §206.5(e)(1), with the required portion blacked out or visibly erased. E.g., "Wxxxxx Sxxxxx, born xxxxx, 2012."

Un-Redacted (seeks a remedy): This is a document that seeks a remedy under NYCRR §202.5(e)(2) or (3) or NYCRR §206.5(e)(2) or (3), or seeks another remedy that by statute or rule requires inclusion of un-redacted confidential personal information ("CPI").

Un-Redacted (per court order): This is a document that contains confidential personal information ("CPI"), as defined in NYCRR §202.5(e)(1) or NYCRR §206.5(e)(1), and can only be filed if an order has been obtained permitting the filing of the document. The date of such order must also be provided.

Filing a Document

Add Other Name/Status
A caption may include an alternate name for a party such as an alias ("aka Billy the Kid") or a trade name ("dba Carwreckers Towing") or specify a legal status ("as Executor of the Estate of John Smith").

File Name
You may enter the location of your document for the purpose of submitting it either by typing the path to that document in the space provided or by clicking "Browse" and selecting from your hard drive the document to attach. NYSCEF has no restrictions on the file name for any document. However, the file must not be encrypted and must be in PDF format.

Original Filename
In the event of a validation error (e.g., Document Type is missing), the system will hold onto the name of the PDF file that was uploaded. If this field is visible, re–selection of the PDF document is not necessary before proceeding.

Additional Document Information
Not all documents require additional information beyond the "Document Type" selected from the drop–down menu. However, you may use up to 255 characters in this space to provide any information you feel is necessary or helpful for present or future reference. For example, you might find it useful to describe an "Affidavit" as "Affidavit of John Smith in support of plaintiff's summary judgment motion."

Special Instructions
Use this space to direct the document to a specific chambers, office, or clerk. For example, when filing a "Stipulation Adjourning Motion" with respect to a motion that is returnable in a particular Part, you might enter the Part number or the Justice's name into this field.

Document Contains an SSN
General Business Law § 399-ddd(6) prohibits the filing of any document available for public inspection that contains the social security number of any other person, unless: that other person is a dependent child or has consented to the filing; or the social security number is required by court rule. By answering "Yes," you are notifying the court and the County Clerk that the document you intend to file contains an individual's social security number.

Pay at Court
A fee document, such as a commencement document, is not filed until any required fee is paid. Therefore, by selecting the Pay at Court option, your document will not be filed until you physically present payment to the County Clerk/Court.


Visibility for Comments
Comments are visible on the Comments tab, when viewing the details of a case. By default, all comments are available to the public, which allows the general public to see the comment, along with the court staff in the county the case is held in. If Internal Comment is selected, this means that only court staff can see the comment.