New York State Unified Court System
Payment Services - NYC Criminal Court Web Payment

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Can I pay my fines, fees and surcharges online?
    Yes. In most instances you can pay online by going to NYC Criminal Court Web Payment and entering your docket number, name and date of birth. You must pay all fines, fees and/or surcharges. Partial payments are not accepted using this website. If you were given the option to make partial payments, you must come to the court building to make a partial payment.
    If you received a C-Summons or a pink ticket, you can pay your fine at
  2. What fines, fees and surcharges can I pay here?
    You can pay a fine, fee and/or surcharge for any case for which you were taken to court immediately after your arrest or were given a desk appearance ticket after you were taken to a police stationhouse.
    If you received a C-Summons or a pink ticket, you can pay your fine at
  3. What if I do not know my docket number?
    You can look up your docket number using the available WebCriminal Search options. If you cannot find your docket number, you may call the NYC Criminal Court Call Center at 646-386-4900.
  4. My search is coming back as "Not eligible for online payment". What do I do?
    Please call the NYC Criminal Court Call Center at 646-386-4900 for clarification.
  5. Can I plead guilty on the website?
    No. Plea online is not permitted.
  6. What happens if I fail to pay my fine, fee and surcharge on time?
    The Court will order a Civil Judgment against you if you fail to pay your fine, fee and/or surcharge on time. A Civil Judgement is a lien against your credit and may affect your ability to obtain a mortgage or other loan, credit card, cellphone, a lease, or even to rent a car.
    You are still able to make your payment here and your Civil Judgment will be satisfied.
  7. Do I need to pay my fines, fees and surcharges the same day?
    The Court will give you 60 days to pay. You may pay the same day or pay on a later date within the 60 days.
  8. Can I pay bail here?
    No. This site is only for the payment of fines, fees, and surcharges.
  9. Do I still have to return to court if I paid my fine?
    That depends on your sentence. If the only condition of your sentence was the payment of fines, fees and/or surcharges, you will not have to return to court. If you are also required to complete other conditions or requirements, such as community service or the completion of a program, you may still have to return to court to show proof of completion. Call your attorney for direction.